How to start with GlpiTools Module

How To Start

To start with module GlpiTools which wrap Glpi API into PowerShell functions you have to complete few steps below.

  • Install Module from PS Gallery
  • Import Module to use functions
  • Configure GLPI to use API
  • Set API configuration

Run PowerShell console with elevated permissions - its important!

Install-Module -Name GlpiTools 

Import Module to use functions

After Module Instalation from PS Gallery you have to import module to use

Import-Module -Name GlpiTools 

Configure GLPI to use API

  • Enable API - Setup -> General -> API -] Enable Rest API
  • Configure Access From Localhost - Setup -> General -> API -> full access from localhost -] Filter access (I prefere to leave parameters, IPv4, IPv6 blank - not so secure but if you testing its enough, remember to change it)
  • Path to Glpi API - Setup -> General -> API -] URL of the API
  • Get app_token - Setup -> General -> API -> full access from localhost -] Filter access (parameter Application token(app_token), click regenerate checkbox and save, after that app_token will show. Copy token and save it for later use)
  • Get User API token - Administration -> Users - (user) -> Settings -] Remote access keys (parameter API token, click regenerate checkbox and save, after that User Token will show. Copy token and save it for later use) - ! Remember that user must have permissions to do what u want to do with API

Set API configuration

Last step, and you are ready to go!

$param = {
    AppToken = "provide here app_token"
    UserToken = "provide here user_token"
    PathToGlpi = "provide here URL of the API"
Set-GlpiToolsConfig @param

End 😀

You can check existing configuration by running


There is always one configuration, so if you want to change, you have to run commands from “Set API configuration” step
