SYNOPSIS Function Add an object (or multiple objects) into GLPI.
SYNOPSIS Function Add an object (or multiple objects) into GLPI.
SYNOPSIS Function Return the current active profile.
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Components from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Dbs from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Instances from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Licenses from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Slas from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures States from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Targets from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Technics from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Types from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Apps Structures Users from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Budget informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting CartridgeItem informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Certificate informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Change informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Computer Software Version informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Computer informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Get GLPI Configuration File.
SYNOPSIS Function is getting ConsumableItem informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Contact informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Contract informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Data Center informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Document informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Blacklisted Mail Content informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Blacklists informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Budget Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Bussiness Criticities informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Calendars informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Cartridge Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Case Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Certificate Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Close Times informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Computer Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting ComputerType informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Consumable Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Contact Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Contract Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Case Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Control Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Drive Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Generic Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Graphic Card Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Hard Drive Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Memory Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Motherboard Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Network Card Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Power Supply Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Processor Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Sensor Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Device Sound Card Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Devices Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Document headings informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Document types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Domain informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Enclosure Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting File Systems Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Generic Device Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Interface Hard Drive Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Internet Domains informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Ip Networks informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Knowledge Base Categories informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting License Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Line Operators informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Line Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Locations informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Manufacturer informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Memory Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting MonitorModel informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Monitor Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Network Equipment Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Network Interfaces informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Network Names informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Network Outlets informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Networking Equipment Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Network informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Architectures informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting OS Editions informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting OS Kernel Versions informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting OS Kernels informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Operating Systems Service Packs informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Update Sources informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Operating Systems Versions informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Operating Systems informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Other Component Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Pdu Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Pdu Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Peripheral Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Phone Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Phones Power Supply Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Phones Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Printer Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Printer Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Project States informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Project Task Templates informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Project Tasks Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Project Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Rack Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Rack Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Request Sources informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Sensor Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Simcard Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Software Category’s informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Solution Templates informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Solution Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting States of the virtual machine informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function gets statuses of items
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Task Categories informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Task Templates informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Third Party Types informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Ticket Categories informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting User Categories informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting User Titles informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Virtualization Models informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Virtualization Systems informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Vlan informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Wifi Networks informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Enclosure informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function returns entities from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting FinancialAndAdminstrativeId informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Fusion Agent Modules from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Fusion Agents from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to show Fusion Config from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Group informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Group Members informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Logs from Items from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting all the items of a specific type in GLPI (also feature SearchText).
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Knowledge Base informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Line informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function gets list of Search Options for specific Search in GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Monitor informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function Return all the profiles associated to logged user.
SYNOPSIS Function is getting NetworkEquipment informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Pdu informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Peripheral informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Phone informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function to get GLPI Plugin list.
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Printer informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Problem informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Profile informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Projects informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Rack informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting RecurrentTicket informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Reminders informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting RSS feeds informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Software informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Software License informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Software Version informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Supplier informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function Return the current $CFG_GLPI.
SYNOPSIS Function is getting Ticket informations from GLPI
SYNOPSIS Function based on GLPI User ID, returns Name and Surname of desired user.
SYNOPSIS Function Remove an object existing in GLPI.
SYNOPSIS Function is using GLPI Search Engine to get informations.
SYNOPSIS Function change active entity of GLPI.
SYNOPSIS Function Change active profile to the profiles_id one.
SYNOPSIS Set GLPI Configuration File.
SYNOPSIS Function which init API session.
SYNOPSIS Function which kill API session.
SYNOPSIS This function is to use for reset password for specific user.
SYNOPSIS This function is to use for send reset request password for specific user.
SYNOPSIS Function Update an object (or multiple objects) existing in GLPI.